Members get onboarded onto YakDAO, our exclusive platform where you can manage your MOGUL fiat rewards program.
Earn rewards, engage with the community, receive exclusive offers, and unlock exciting benefits all within our YakDAO MOGUL membership platform.
How it works
Our team is here to get you started in this leading edge Real Estate movement without the need of any prior crypto experience.
Apply to join our exclusive membership. Just fill out our application and one of our team members will be in touch if you’re a match.
no crypto?
no problem
We’ll step you through setting up your membership payment on the blockchain, enabling exclusive and secure membership rewards.
earn instant rewards
Due to magic of web3 technology, upon your purchase of a MOGUL membership you will already have rewards waiting for you in your web3 wallet, instantly!
NO waiting
no CAP
Once you are in MOGUL, you can start earning instantly, enjoy leaderboards, and daily automated messaging for new participation recommendations!
Join the YakDAO MOGUL program and enjoy a range of exclusive benefits. Earn rewards, receive referral bonuses, unlock insider offers, and get free stays at top resorts.
MOGUL rewards work if you work it, earn as little or as much as you like.